dimecres, 27 de gener del 2016

Mor un cinquè kurd dels 28 atrapats a un edifici de Cizre

Ja fa cinc dies que continua el setge sobre un edifici de la ciutat de Cizîr (Cizre en turc). Dissabte l'exèrcit turc va llençar un operatiu d'artilleria contra un edifici del barri de Cudi a la ciutat de Cizre, al Kurdistan. Les bombes, llençades des d'un helicòpter, van destruïr-lo quan hi havia desenes de persones. Segons fonts kurdes es tractava de civils però hi hauria entre ells el co president de l'Assemblea Popular de Cizre. Es tracta de Mehmet Yavuzel, del Partit Democràtic de les Regions (DBP). També va quedar ferit el sots director del periòdic Azadiya Welat, Rohat Aktas. Segons l'agència estatal Anadolu, recollint la versió del govern, un dels edificis acolliria un taller de fabricació d'explosius "del Partit dels Treballadors del Kurdistan".

El balanç de l'atac fou de vint-i-vuit persones ferides de les que, com a mínim deu, ho eren d'extrema gravetat. Les tropes turques van aïllar la zona i no permeten, des de llavors, entrar-hi ambulàncies. En el transcurs dels cinc dies han anat morint la meitat dels 10 ferits greus. La resta continuen aïllats en un soterrani. El darrer en finir ha estat Nusret Bayer qui s'ha anat desagnant per les ferides rebudes.

As the onslaught under the name of curfew continues in Şırnak's Cizre district for the 45th uninterrupted day, local people are suffering a never-ending violation of their basic rights, including the right to life.
As attacks by state forces are going on ceaseleslly, tragedy continues in the basement where 28 slain and wounded people remain trapped for the past 5 days.
Out of these 28 people who got wounded as a result of artillery fire on houses in Cudi neighborhood, yet another one, Nusret Bayer, died from his wounds in the fifth day of the deliberate atrocity.
With Bayer, 5 of the 28 wounded civilians have died due to an ongoing denial of urgent access to treatment during the past 5 days. There are now 23 people with wounds in the basement where conditions are getting severer every passing hour as Turkish state forces continue to shell the building with tank and mortar fire.
- See more at: http://www.bestanews.com/haberayrinti.php?id=15399&dil=en&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=bestanuceeng#sthash.sNqOQvnt.dpuf
As the onslaught under the name of curfew continues in Şırnak's Cizre district for the 45th uninterrupted day, local people are suffering a never-ending violation of their basic rights, including the right to life.
As attacks by state forces are going on ceaseleslly, tragedy continues in the basement where 28 slain and wounded people remain trapped for the past 5 days.
Out of these 28 people who got wounded as a result of artillery fire on houses in Cudi neighborhood, yet another one, Nusret Bayer, died from his wounds in the fifth day of the deliberate atrocity.
With Bayer, 5 of the 28 wounded civilians have died due to an ongoing denial of urgent access to treatment during the past 5 days. There are now 23 people with wounds in the basement where conditions are getting severer every passing hour as Turkish state forces continue to shell the building with tank and mortar fire.
- See more at: http://www.bestanews.com/haberayrinti.php?id=15399&dil=en&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=bestanuceeng#sthash.sNqOQvnt.dpuf

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