dimecres, 11 de gener del 2017

London Rally January 15th against Turkish State Fascism

Organised by Unity of Democratic Forces – Meet at BBC for rally and March to Downing Street 15th January at 2pm.

Unite Against Fascism In Turkey!

Erdogan and Justice and Development Party (AKP) government have launched an aggressive assault against the Kurds, democrats and revolutionaries by

declaring a state of emergency following the failed coup attempt. The state has arrested dozens of Kurdish MP’s including Co-leaders Figen Yuksekdag and

Selahattin Demirtas, closed down media outlets (TV channels, radio stations, newspapers), political organisations, arrested progressive journalists,sacked academics, lawyers and many more.

Recently government officials announced that the State of Emergency will be extended until April 2017.

The progressive Kurdish and Turkish forces living in UK have organised a national demo against the Turkish state’s assault on Kurds, Democrats and Revolutionaries and calls for your support and solidarity.

Date: 15 January 2017
Time and Venue: 2pm starting from BBC headquarters on Portland Place, nearest station is Oxford Circus.

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