dimarts, 13 de gener del 2015

Arriba l'ajuda pels yezidi de Shengal de yezidi alemanys

Enmig d'un hivern especialment dur la situació dels refugiats empitjora. En especial hi ha infants que estan morint literalment de fred i alguns refugiats de la guerra de Síria han afirmat que prefereixen morir sota les bombes que de fred.

En aquest marc la comunitat yezidi de Bielefield, Alemanya, s'ha mobilitzat i ha fet arribar ajuda als refugiats yezidi de la muntanya de Shengal (Kurdistan de l'Iraq).

Hevya Sor ha aconseguit fer creuar l'ajuda pel punt fronterer d'Habur. L'ajuda ha consistit bàsicament en roba, bàsica per encarar l'hivern.

BielefelAlemanya s'ha mobilitzat i ha fet arribar ajuda als yezidi
Aid sent from the Yazidi (Êzîdî) community in the German city of Bielefeld has reached the people stranded on Mount Sinjar. The aid was transported in two trucks to the distribution centre in the village of Kolik set up by the Rojava aid organisation RAP.
Aid sent by Yazidis living in Bielefeld included clothing and was sent through the Habur border with the assistance of the Kurdish Red Crescent to the Kerse valley in Sinjar. The winter clothing was distributed to the thousands of people on the mountain.
- See more at: http://www.bestanuce1.com/haber/163706/aid-from-yazidi-community-in-germany-reaches-sinjar&dil=en#sthash.c42Msb8R.dpuf
Aid sent from the Yazidi (Êzîdî) community in the German city of Bielefeld has reached the people stranded on Mount Sinjar. The aid was transported in two trucks to the distribution centre in the village of Kolik set up by the Rojava aid organisation RAP.
Aid sent by Yazidis living in Bielefeld included clothing and was sent through the Habur border with the assistance of the Kurdish Red Crescent to the Kerse valley in Sinjar. The winter clothing was distributed to the thousands of people on the mountain.
- See more at: http://www.bestanuce1.com/haber/163706/aid-from-yazidi-community-in-germany-reaches-sinjar&dil=en#sthash.c42Msb8R.dpuf

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