dilluns, 10 d’agost del 2015

Doble atac suïcida a la caserna policial de Pozantı

Les Hêzên Parastina Gel (Forces de Defensa Popular, HPG) han reivindicat un doble atac suïcida contra la caserna policial de Pozantı, Adana (Kurdistan de Turquia). Es va produir el 31 de juliol i van perdre-hi la vida els milicians Yakup Nas i Ali Baybariz que van entrar a la caserna matant-ne els guàrdies a les dues de la matinada. L'acció fedayeen va continuar dins de les instal·lacions on van mantenir un combat amb diversos policies morts i/o ferits. Una vegada la policia va matar els dos milicians va entregar els seus cossos a membres de l'extrema dreta turca que els van maltractar segons la pròpia nota de les HPG. No s'ha pogut determinar les baixes per la part turca.

Yakup Nas 'Şiyar Şiyar' (esquerra) i Ali Baybariz 'Welat Rıha' (dreta) sabien en entrar a la caserna de Pozantı que no en sortirien vius


two guerrillas were martyred in an self-sacrifice action against the Pozantı Police Headquarters in Adana on July 31. One other guerrilla lost his life in Medya Defense Zones on August 4.
Providing details about the expansive action by guerrillas who targeted the Pozantı Police Headquarters at 02:00 on July 31, HPG-BIM said two guerrillas entered into the building after shooting the two policemen at the main entrance gate outside. As clashes inside the police headquarters intensified, two guerrillas carried out an self-sacrifice action which left many police officers dead or injured.
The statement said the police here gave the bodies of the two guerrillas to a fascist mob and treated them insultingly.
HPG identified the two guerrillas martyred here as;
Yakup Nas, nom de guerre Şiyar Şiyar, from Mersin.
Ali Baybariz, nom de guerre Welat Rıha, from Hatay.
HPG-BIM stated that one other guerrilla by the name of Azad Serhat who had been wounded during the Turkish airstrikes against Medya Defense Zones on July 25-26, has lost his life.
HPG identified the martyred guerrilla as; Ali İhsan Askar, nom de guerre Azad Serhat, born in Van, lost hisi life in Medya Defense Zones on August 4.
- See more at: http://www.bestanews.com/12230/self-sacrifice-action-by-guerrillas-targets-pozanti-police-headquarters&dil=en#sthash.yB7C1xXc.dpuf

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