dijous, 20 d’agost del 2015

HPG i YJA-Star mata 15 soldats en venjança per la vexació al cadàver d'Ekin Van

Hêzên Parastina Gel (Forces de Defensa Popular, HPG) ha reivindicat les accions com a resposta per la tortura i vexació de la miliciana de les YJA-Star Ekin Van a Gimgim el passat 10 d'agost. Les milícies kurdes reivindiquen accions d'autodefensa a Siirt el 19 d'agost on els seus escamots van destruir un vehicle militar , que va deixar 12 soldats morts i altres tres greument ferits. En una altra acció en memòria d'Ekin Van, guerrilleres d'YJA-Star a la carretera Arıcak-Elazığ el 17 d'agost van matar un sergent especialista i un guàrdia de vila va ser ferit. Els guerrillers van dur a terme una altra acció dirigida al lloc de guàrdia Verkalıt a Siirt el 20 d'agost Un soldat va morir en una acció d'assassinat, i un altre va morir després en la destrucció un emplaçament d'armes pesades. Els guerrillers van destruir una base situada entre les localitats de Sevane i Hawre al districte de Kozluk de Batman a les 00:45 el 20 d'agost.
Segons les HPG bombes de napalm es van utilitzar en un bombardeig dut a terme per avions turcs la tarda del 18 d'agost. Tanmateix la milícia afirma que el seu voluntari Baz Faraşin 'Azad Yiğit' va ser martiritzat en acció de combat a Hakkari el 18 d'agost.

uerrillas carried out a sabotage action in memory of the recently martyred YJA Star guerrilla Ekin Van on the road between Şirvan and Pervari districts of Siirt at 14:10 on August 19. Guerrillas destroyed a large military vehicle, which left 12 soldiers dead and three others heavily wounded. While Cobra helicopters shelled the scene after the action, troops launched an operation in Şirvan and Deleman areas with the participation of village guards.
In an attempt for another action in memory of Ekin Van, YJA Star guerrillas were engaged in clashes with Turkish soldiers on Arıcak-Elazığ road at 05:00 on August 17. One specialist sergeant was killed and one village guard was wounded in the short-lasting clash.
Guerrillas conducted another action targeting the Verkalıt guard post in Baykan district of Siirt at 07:20 on August 20. One soldier was killed in an assassination action, and one other died after guerrillas destroyed an emplacement of heavy weapons in the post.
Guerrillas destroyed a base station located between the villages of Sevanê and Hawrê in Batman's Kozluk district at 00:45 on August 20.
In another action against Simer guard post in Kozluk at 16:15 on August 19, guerrillas killed a soldier in an assassination attack and destroyed an emplacement here. The number of soldiers' casualties couldn't be clarified.
Guerrillas infiltrated into a unit of Turkish soldiers preparing for an operation near Amed's Hani district at 13:00 on August 19. One soldier was killed here.
Turkish troops conducted an operation in Nêrduşa area between Yüksekova and Şemdinli districts of Hakkari at 15:00 on August 19. Guerrillas responded to the troops as they opened random fire on the area with heavy weapons.
As part of the Martyr Reşit Serdar Initiative, guerrillas conducted a sabotage action against two armored vehicles patrolling in Yeşildere neighborhood of Hakkari's Yüksekova district at 01:30 on August 19. One of the armored vehicles was completely destroyed but the number of casualties couldn't be made clear. Three ambulances came to the scene after the action and transported the casualties.
In another action as part of the Martyr Reşit Serdar Initiative, guerrillas targeted the Eriş and Bilican guard posts at the border to Zap region of Medya Defense Zones between 07.30–09.30 on August 19. One emplacement in Bilican guard post was completely destroyed in the action which was conducted with mortars. Troops at both posts shelled the surrounding areas after the action.
Guerrillas also targeted the Rubarok guard posts at the border to Avashin area and damaged the vehicles outside the main entrance gate at 12:00 on August 20.
A base station of two private GSM operators in Türkmen village of Ağrı's Bazid (Doğubayazıt) district was completely destroyed by guerrillas at 19:45 on August 19.
A short clash erupted between a group of guerrillas and a special operation team laying ambushes aroundn Şehidan hill in Ağrı's Tendürek area between 18:00 and 19:00 on August 19.
One soldier was killed in an assassination action by guerrillas who targeted the Dızê guard post in Hakkari at 21:45 on August 19.
A base station of three private GSM operators was destroyed by guerrillas in Bêkendê village of Siirt's Kurtalan district at 23:00 on August 19.
Dersim-Erzincan and Dersim-Ovacık roads remain under the control of guerrillas since August 17. Besides ID checks, guerrillas are also informing the people about the process.
HPG said napalm bombs were used in a bombardment conducted by Turkish jets on Martyr Gafur area between 17.00-17.30 on August 18.
- See more at: http://www.bestanews.com/12422/hpg-13-soldiers-killed-in-actions-in-memory-of-ekin-van&dil=en#sthash.YYcAZ6o2.dpuf

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