divendres, 29 de gener del 2016

Sterk Çiya's burial (YPJ) in Rojava

The militia women was killed fighting against the Islamic State in the Canton of Kobanê's front on January 19th. Yesterday, her burial was done in the cemetery of Kobanê; this has had to expand given the high number of martyrs of the Kurdish cause. The Yekîneyên Parastinê Jinê Yen (Women's Defense Units YPJ) member was fighting in the southern front between Sarrin and Tshrin when she was the subject of an Islamist attack. Sterk Çiya was her nom de guerre; she was officially named Heyfa Mihemed. Sterk Çiya was born in Kobanê and was killed in a battle in Tshrin. Hundreds of people accompanied her coffin which was carried by fellow YPJ. At the funeral also there were members of the YPG, TEV-DEM's and women's movement Yekiti Star.

Institution People Families of Martyrs, represented by Behaddîn Gülen made a speech where she said that "Our martyrs are just for a democratic and open Syria, where everyone can live in peace. We are even willing to sacrificed their lives for the future. We will keep, forever, bearing in mind the memories of this struggle. "

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