dimarts, 17 de maig del 2016

50.000 firmas para juzgar a Erdogan por crímenes contra la humanidad

Se entregarán el 21 de mayo en la sede de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas de Ginebra, Suiza. La demanda es clara: que R.T. Erdogan, actual presidente de Turquía, sea juzagado ante el Tribunal Criminal Internacional. Personalidades como Noam Chomsky o Norman Peach, Jean Ziegler, del Partido Laborista suizo, Gavriel Pinson, ex diputado de HDP, Hasip Kaplan, representante de la comunidad Alevi exiliada en Europa han dado su apoyo a la iniciativa.

Los casos de las matanzas de Sur (Amed) y Cizre serán presentados como pruebas de los crímenes del presidente turco. El siguiente es el mensaje de Noam Chomsky de apoyo a la campaña (en inglés):

“I would be honored to join the people campaigning to protest Erdoğan’s gruesome oppression and violence inflicted upon the Kurdish people and all peoples of Turkey. Erdoğan’s attacks on fundamental freedoms and rights that the peoples have fought to achieve is known by all. His attempts at blocking democratic methods and building an authoritarian regime that only he has a voice have been met with great opposition despite all that has happened, the peoples of Turkey do not hesitate in answering Erdoğan’s plans with all their might.

Your fight against Erdoğan is especially important at this time because of his support for ISIS. Because Erdoğan’s politics do not only harm the peoples of Turkey, but creates a threat that transcends Turkey with his support for ISIS that stands against the hope for democracy and freedom in the Middle East.

For all these reasons, I find your campaign to have Erdoğan tried to be vital and I support it. The peoples of Turkey will win this fight, and cultivate the hope for democracy and freedom in Turkey and the Middle East. With Solidarity.”

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