dissabte, 10 de setembre del 2016

Call from the Young Women's Union of Rojava (YJC) and the Youth Union of Rojava (YCR)

In all times it was the youth which took the pioneering role in the building of society. Especially during the revolutions against oppression and dominance and during the abolition of dictatorial systems, the strength, energy and will of the youth has prevent all conspiracies against the society; especially the com-plots of states against resisting and freedom-seeking societies, like the ones of the Turkish state, which is committing massacres on civilians and who has put the ambassador of peace, the chairman Öcalan under total isolation without the right to visit him for his family neither his lawyers or official Delegations. We are very concerned and afraid for his life. The Turkish occupying state has unleashed a policy of hostility against the Kurdish regions and the local forces and proceeds with the dirtiest methods. In these dark times they have violated the occupation of the city Jarabulus against all international agreements.

As Young Women's Union of Rojava and the Youth Union of Rojava we call on all young people in the world to take a stand against the actions of the Turkish occupation and not to remain silent in the face of the insulation of the ambassador of freedom, the chairman Öcalan. The freedom Öcalan signifies liberation of society. We call for the period of 15th to 17th of September 2016 to actions against the isolation of Öcalan. Let us know on which of these days you perform your actions and send your statements via email. Send us pictures and videos of your actions.

Let us together stop the silence!
Let us stand together for the freedom of societies!
We've started with the spirit of youth, with the spirit of youth we will succeed!

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