dijous, 24 de novembre del 2016

The European Parliament votes to freeze Turkey EU membership talks

The European Parliament has voted to suspend Turkey's EU membership talks because of the Turkish government's crackdown since a coup attempt in July. The result has been absolutely clear: 479 out of 623 i favour to say enough is enough to Erdogan authoritarian Turkeu. 

The MEPs' non-binding vote has already been dismissed as "worthless" by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The MEPs asked the European Commission and 28 national governments to impose a "temporary freeze" on the talks. EU-Turkish ties have soured after years of stop-start negotiations, which are likely to go on, albeit very slowly.
Turkey's EU accession talks began in 2005, but only one of the 35 policy areas - called "chapters" - has been closed. A country is only ready to join the EU when it has met the criteria in all 35 chapters.

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