divendres, 23 de novembre del 2018

Hussein Yezdanpenah, PAK, visits the Netherlands

Hussein Yezdanpenah (Husên Yezdanpena), president (serokê) of Partiya Azadi Kurdistan (PAK) met with Kurdish exile in the Netherlands. The veteran Kurdish militant met with militants from the PAK and the HAK-PAK party (from Kurdistan under Turkish occupation) on November 18th. Yezdanpenah explained the recent Iranian attacks on Kurdish people expelled from Tehran from their lands and refugees in Iran. His own brother, Said Yezdanpenah was murdered by the Iranian agents in September 1991. The meeting was co organized by the entity Koç-Kak (Komela Çanda Karkerên).
Yezdanpenah explained that only independence could put an end to the suffering of the Kurdish nation and that, therefore, thousands of people were being sacrificed in the ranks of the various peshmerga organizations in the four parts of Kurdistan.

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